Beautiful Imagery for every person.
Hi! I'm Katlin!
The people closest to me will tell you that my smile is infectious. I'm always searching for the positives and looking for something fun and exciting to explore. My style of photography is a mix of both dark and moody as well as bright and fun! My sessions are full of laughs, conversation and truly getting to know the person that I'm working with.
Being a photographer is my full time gig. My fiance is a stay at home dad with our SIX sweet babes! So in my free time I'm running from sports, to dance lessons, to school functions. We live a crazy busy life and I love every single moment of it!
Here at KLP you can expect a safe place to be YOU! In whatever form that is. I have done sessions in so many different creative outlets from blood, water, and about anything in between. Every person deserves to feel beautiful, loved, and respected. Boudie Beauties come in every shape and size with no gender identity or sexual orientation.

Why Boudoir?
This question has a different answer for every single person. For some, it's an experience where you spend time falling in love with yourself again. For others, it's relearning your value after an abusive relationship. For many, it's an opportunity to see yourself in a way you never knew was possible. It's a chance to see your value and fall in love with who you are right now. Life is busy and full of unreasonable expectations. Don't let those life troubles let you forget your most important asset. YOU.
I spent years comparing myself to every single person around me. Letting my value be placed in people who didn't hold any weight in my life. One day, I woke up and decided NO MORE, I was going to be unapologetically me, and that's when things changed for me.
I started pursuing a passion where I could show other woman and men the value that they hold just as themselves. Not by changing who they are. You have so much beauty right in front of you and boudoir is a way to have that beauty expressed.